Lemon Grass Green Tea

Lemon Grass Green Tea

About: Lemongrass green tea has that unique mild flavor, which appeals to all drinkers of different age. Anyone who tastes a cup of lemongrass green tea will surely experience an exhilarating citrus flavored high. It’s perfect even for the health conscious, as its calorie count is practically negligible. The tea is made from handpicked tea leaves so quality is ensured. Perfectly safe even for people with existing medical conditions, a cup of top-notch lemongrass green tea can now be yours at the most affordable prices.
Benefits: Relieving anxiety, Lowering cholesterol, Preventing infection, Boosting oral health, Relieving pain, Boosting red blood cell level, Relieving bloating, Good for digestion, Relieves menstrual pain, Relieves Cold and Flu, For Naturally Great Skin and Hair, Boosts Metabolism and Burns Fat.