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Fennel Green Tea

In the Middle Ages, on Midsummer’s night, people hung fennel over doorways to protect the household from evil spirits, Although it is no longer used as a protective decoration, fennel is still one of the more widely used medicinal plants, being suggested for everything from colic to conjunctivitis,

Tulsi Green Tea

Tulsi, popularly known as basil leaves, is a common plant found in Indian households. Not only is this herb popular for its’ medicinal benefits but also for its’ divine properties. Tulsi is used heavily in medical concoctions. With benefits ranging from great skin health

Assam CTC Leaf Tea

Assam tea is a black tea named after the region of its production, Assam, in India. Assam tea is manufactured specifically, from the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica. Assam tea is mostly grown at or near sea level and is known for its body, briskness, malty flavour, and strong, bright colour.

Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling tea is a tea grown in the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India, and widely exported and know. It is processed as black, green, white and oolong tea. When properly brewed, it yields a thin-bodied, light-colored infusion with a floral aroma.

Lavender Green Tea

Premium green tea with a floral and astringent finish. Lavender notes abound creating a tea for memories. The cup is exemplary with notes of sweet grass, moss and honey leading to a finish sprinkled with peach, and floral tones. Improves Sleep, Reduces Inflammation, Boosts Immune Health,

Chamomile Green Tea

Chamomile green tea is a derivative of dried chamomile flower and green tea. It is golden in color and has a delectable, fruity flavor. Better known as the “Herbal Tonic” in various parts of the world, this delicious tea has many health-related benefits. Consisting of simply gorgeous chamomile flowers,

Green Tea

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas. Green tea originated in China, but its production and manufacture has spread to many other countries in Asia.

Rose Green Tea

Rose tea is a delicious and relaxing beverage made with dried or fresh rose petals. This tea is packed with health benefits that have been known for centuries. The delicate pink flowers create a beautifully fragrant, fruity and nutritious tea, rich in natural antioxidants.

Mint Green Tea

Mint tea is a delightful and refreshing way to stay healthy and can help you boost your immune system, improve digestion and reduce aches and pains. Drinking green tea is one way to add instant health benefits to your day. Toss in a few mint leaves for their pungent flavor

Ginger Green Tea

The goodness of green tea when combined with the medicinal properties of Ginger, makes it a powerful elixir to treat many problems. ‘Adrak’ Green Tea is made with natural Ginger to offer an instant soothing effect on your body and mind.

Lemon Grass Green Tea

Lemongrass green tea has that unique mild flavor, which appeals to all drinkers of different age. Anyone who tastes a cup of lemongrass green tea will surely experience an exhilarating citrus flavored high. It’s perfect even for the health conscious,

Carom seeds Green Tea

For centuries, spices have been traded for their exquisite taste, healing powers and preservative properties. Out of all those exotic spices, ajwain, also known as carom seeds or Bishop’s weed, is used extensively in India. If you love sipping on soothing herbal teas

Stevia Sweet Leaf

Stevia is a sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana, native to Brazil and Paraguay. The active compounds are steviol glycosides, which have 30 to 150 times the sweetness of sugar,are heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.

Blue Magic Tea

Butterfly-pea flower tea commonly known as Blue Tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea, or tisane, beverage made from a decoction or infusion of the flower petals or even whole flower of the Clitoria ternatea plant. Clitoria ternatea is also known as butterfly-pea,